Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to questions we are often asked.
Q: I really love your music and want to help you spread the word in my city. Do you have a street team or anything similar?
A: Visit our contact page. Our street team leader will be in touch!
Q: I am doing a short film and would like to use a song by one of your bands. Who should I contact?
A: Send licensing a message on our contact page.
Q: I play in a pretty awesome band. Do you accept demos?
A: Yes, we do. Before you send a demo though, ask yourself, "Is Maplewood Records the label for me? Does my band sound like anything Maplewood Records would consider or am I just sending a demo because they release music." We cannot listen to demos everyday, but we do check them out periodically. Please do not follow up on what we think of what you sent. If it's cool, we'll get back to you. Please note, as of yet we have not signed a band based on a demo. The best way to do so is to get out and play shows, get press, get fans, etc. Send your demos to demos@maplewoodreceords.com.
Q: Do you keep a database of your vinyl pressings?
A: YES! Check out our SHOP.
A: It's a combination of a bunch of factors that cause LP releases to be expensive. Vinyl has high origination costs (i.e. usually a separate master, lacquers, metal plating, test pressings), more substantial packaging, and weighs more than a CD (thus, costs more to ship). And while vinyl sales have been on the upswing, they're still a low percentage of overall sales so the origination costs are defrayed over fewer records. At Maplewood Records we hope you enjoy them as much as we do.